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Joan Pierce Named Executive Director, AMERIPEN

Posted in Blog, Packaging

The American Institute for Packaging and the Environment (AMERIPEN) named Joan Pierce executive director of the industry trade organization. Pierce will work closely with AMERIPEN’s executive committee to deliver against the group’s priorities and goals, and accelerate existing work streams and overall progress.

Pierce was instrumental in the formation of AMERIPEN last year, and helped set the initial strategic direction of the organization, both as a founding member and as the group’s first president. She retired from Colgate-Palmolive last November, at which time she resigned her office at AMERIPEN, per the Institute’s bylaws, and was replaced as president by Gail Tavill of ConAgra Foods Inc.

“With more than 40 years of packaging industry experience, Joan brings a considerable network of knowledge and credibility to the new executive director role at AMERIPEN," noted Tavill. “She has strong skills in project management and execution, and her engagement will help us continue our momentum and allow AMERIPEN to deliver ongoing value to our members and the packaging industry."

AMERIPEN advocates packaging policy developments in North America and focuses on measures that are environmentally and economically sound, as well as socially responsible. The Institute, with a material neutral approach, encourages science-based decision making on sustainable packaging initiatives and provides a point-of-view and guidance to policy makers and thought leaders on the value and role of packaging.

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