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Jennifer Donahue, Marketing Manger, Croda Inc.

Posted in Blog, Business Issues

Jennifer Donahue accepted the position of marketing manager – skin care & makeup for Croda Inc. after spending seven years in Croda sales, and most recently holding the position of key account manager at Croda Inc. Donahue joined the personal care industry in 1997 after graduating from Cornell University with a Cum Laude in chemistry. She also holds an MBA from Rutgers. Donahue started at Johnson & Johnson working on suncare/adult skin care formulations, then moving on to work in sales for Collaborative and Lipo. She has been an active member of the SCC since 1997, holding the position of secretary for four years and acting as suppliers day chairperson. In her new role, Donahue plans to bring a greater focus on color cosmetics to the skin care program. 

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