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Alissa Marrapodi

Alissa Marrapodi is the editor of Inside Cosmeceuticals. She has a passion for all things natural, including food, cosmetics and supplements. She graduated from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Arizona State University with a bachelor’s in journalism. She loves hiking, photography, red wine and traveling.

Get Smart @ SupplySide's R&D Insights

Posted in Blog, SupplySide

Your teachers weren't lying when they told you knowledge is power; it really is. And that's why we're here—to equip and educate you with information and know-how. Hence, our newest SupplySide launch is a digital resource center that provides an insider-only analysis of the role supplier R&D plays in product development, go-to-market strategy and sustainable profitability … Welcome to R&D Insights.

Underwritten by Indena, this site not only offers insights from industry experts, it offers it in a variety of premium content mediums such as digital publications, at-work case studies, slide shows, videos, reports and a whole lot more. There's an abundance of information: Learn from other companies' mistakes and successes, and hear from true experts on how to evaluate the quality of a supplier. For starters, check out the expert series report on Cosmeceutical Ingredients (all about optimizing the inclusion of natural ingredients due to the demand for high-valued cosmetic and personal care products).

If you still need more incentive to visit R&D Insights, become a member of SupplySide R&D Insights and you'll automatically be entered to win a new Apple iPad. Click here to find out more. Who doesn't need a new iPad?

See you next week in New York.

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