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Alissa Marrapodi

Alissa Marrapodi is the editor of Inside Cosmeceuticals. She has a passion for all things natural, including food, cosmetics and supplements. She graduated from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Arizona State University with a bachelor’s in journalism. She loves hiking, photography, red wine and traveling.

The Cosmeceutical Chronicles—Tipping and Trendy


The new year typically ushers in change, goal setting, market projections, fresh trends (or rather recycled trends in "new clothing") and hopeful outlooks. If all of that is true then we're right on track, as this year we're definitely changing things up (more deets to come), we've set some serious goals and our Top 10 Trends report that's set to roll out Feb. 13 is chock full of market projects, and fresh and recycled (think Versace vintage , not Goodwill) trends. As for hopeful outlooks—are there any other kind?

To give you a preview of the cosmeceutical market from our view, here are the top 10 market segments that are trending; or tipping the cosmeceutical mirror, warranting a closer view due to new developments, data and/or research.

  1. Nutricosmetics/Beauty from Within 
  2. Sustainability—from packaging and green formulating to eco-friendly sourcing and producing. 
  3. Natural & Organic 
  4. Packaging
  5. Fragrance (Scents)/Bath & Body 
  6. Brand Marketing 
  7. Hair Care
  8. Color—lip, nail and color cosmetics
  9. Foreign Markets
  10. Delivery Systems

Marine ingredients and sun care are two more sectors that have a lot going on; but we're discussing these two topics more in-depth in an upcoming report that will be available on our site starting Jan. 25 (marine), and a two-part slide show that will go live on Jan. 30 and Feb. 1(sun).



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