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Ingredient of the Week—Mouvement Infini: Or Infini


Mouvement Infini—a consortium of manufacturers and cosmetic suppliers devoted to showing the industry how to create sustainable beauty and fragrance products—is one of the most forward-thinking collaborations I've come across in a long time. This mega group will change your mind about natural, eco-friendly and all of the above. This week's IOTW is an eco fragrance-and-package concept in one, Or Infini, which integrates sustainable principles into beauty product design.

First, the packaging: The aesthetics are pleasing and simple. The triangular-shaped packaging (with a carbon footprint of 12-percent less than standard packaging) sparkles with splattered stars on pale lavender (exterior) and midnight brown (interior).

Supplied By …

  • Finnish-based Metsä Board supplied the lightweight, PEFC-certified cartonboard, Carta Elega. What’s cool about this material is it’s not only sustainable produced, but it reduces the weight of the box set by more than 10 percent compared to other like materials.
  • Wauters did the FSC/PEFC-certified printing; and Sylvie de France Designer is responsible for the design.
  • Made from domestic cullet—scraps of broken or wasted glass—the glass bottle (by SGD) is 100-percent recycled and recyclable.
  • The Nea lotion pump protects the fragrance with an easy-to-use design supplied by Rexam and is topped off with a 100-percent recycled PET cap (by VPI) made from collected plastic bottles.

Second, the Fragrance: Created by Mane, the fragrance combines a floral, fruity aroma with notes of vanilla and almond using 100-percent natural ingredients. It’s formulated by Strand Cosmetics Europe according to ECOCERT guidelines.

Although this product was developed for demo only and is not for sale, it's premise is cutting edge and purposeful, and I love the concept.


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