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Barista Bath and Body ~ Coffee-Based Personal Care Products

July 9, 2010 Comments

 PORTLAND, Ore.—Barista Bath and Body is a new natural hair and skin care line with its primary ingredient as coffee. Coffee aids in removing impurities from hair and offering a natural pH to soothe and protect the skin. All Barista Bath and Body products are paraben-free, sulfate-free and phthalate-free and are made using organic, Free Trade coffee. Barista’s product line includes: shampoo, conditioner, gel, body scrub, body crème, soap, mist and lip balm.

Coffee has a stimulating richness recognized for centuries as a natural curative. Published studies have documented the benefits of the topical application of coffee and its major constituent, caffeine. Barista Bath and Body products are formulated with organic coffee, coffee extract and essential oils to maximize the revitalizing benefits of coffee.

Coffee, along with caffeine, features a pH balance similar to the human body, meaning it cleans better than ordinary soap or shampoo; it acts as a gentle exfoliant; performs as an effective astringent; and promotes the appearance of smoother looking skin, especially in cellulite-prone areas.



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