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Vitamin C May Improve Dark Circles


YOKOHAMA, Japan—Japanese researchers found vitamin C may improve dark circles of the lower eyelid (DCLE) by thickening the eyelid dermis and concealing dark coloration due to congested blood (Skin Res Technol. 2009;15(2):214-17). A total of 14 subjects with DCLE applied either 10 percent sodium ascorbate (ANa) or ascorbic acid glucoside (AG) lotion in split-face fashion (opposite side: vehicle only) for six months. Change in erythema index was significantly smaller on the ANa-treated side than on the vehicle-treated side. Dermal thickness tended to be thicker for the ANa-treated side than for the vehicle-treated side, although no significant difference was seen. Both erythema index and dermal thickness tended to change in parallel manner. On the other hand, no significant differences in changes of erythema index, melanin index and dermal thickness were found between AG- and vehicle-treated sides.

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