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Blurring the Lines Between Health and Beauty—Top Five Cosmeceuticals Trends to Watch

by Alisa Marie Beyer

Not ready to go under the knife or inject a large scary needle into your face? Procedures like these can be risky and costly. Beauty seekers want alternatives; which is precisely why it’s the perfect time for cosmeceuticals to hit the beauty scene. Consumers want solutions that don’t simply cleanse and beautify, but also promise to cure and heal gently. By definition, cosmeceuticals are cosmetic products that claim to have drug like benefits. Their introduction into the market has ignited the beauty industry and sparked some new trends. Here are five to watch in 2009:

Edible Beauty

It’s no secret that a healthy diet is the foundation to a more beautiful you. But now, there are products that promise to jump start this transformation with a pill, bottled drinks, even gummy bears! Companies like Glowelle, Borba and Perricone have captured this trend with innovative ingestibles promising cosmetic results (nutriceuticals). Look for more companies, including food and beverage, as well as traditional beauty companies to launch new nutriceuticals.

I Love You Man

Scruffy and dirty out! Clean and groomed...definitely in! Men have heard this message loud and clear and now are purchasing personal care products in droves. In fact, in a report published by the Natural Marketing Institute (NMI) in 2007, the fastest growing segment in the bath and body care category was men’s personal care. This creates a tremendous amount of opportunity in the cosmeceuticals arena. Men have been slow to join the beauty party, but they are definitely here now. Education and clever advertising will be the key to reaching this male consumer.

Beauty at Every Price Point

It stands to reason that cosmeceuticals require a lot of science and research to produce an efficacious product. This type of science and ingredients can be expensive so it makes sense that many cosmeceuticals are situated at the premium end of the market—think La Prairie’s $200 anti-aging cream. However, mega-companies like P&G are making these types of coveted products more attainable to the everyday consumer in the mass market with products such as Olay Regenerist. More and more lower-cost alternatives are sure to hit the masstige channels.

Regulations in the Future

There are clear cut rules and guidelines for manufacturing and advertising drugs compared to cosmetics where there are a lot less. Even more confusing and ambiguous are those for cosmeceuticals. Living as somewhat of a hybrid, cosmeceuticals are difficult to classify. The tightening of government regulations for product claims and safety testing are definitely on the horizon. This could prove to be problematic for smaller manufacturers who might not be able to afford costly mandatory testing. But for now, savvy smaller companies can take advantage of the loose restrictions.

Fountain of Youth

Baby Boomers are not the only ones concerned about reversing or at least suspending the signs of aging. People are living longer than ever before and the Generation X and Y’s are spending their disposable income on products promising anti-aging results also. Even the youngest among us are being pampered by their parents with cosmeceutical baby products like sunscreens with special actives. Huge opportunities exist across all age demographics as R&D departments come up with products for people of all ages. The sky is the limit!

Alisa Marie Beyer is CEO of The Benchmarking Company (TBC), a research and branding firm focused exclusively on the beauty industry. From start-ups to beauty global beauty power-houses, TBC offers concept-to-market strategies to get any beauty business where it needs to go. TBC specializes in delivering custom research, brand identity and brand consulting services. In a typical year, TBC conducts hundreds of focus groups, talks with more than 50,000 women, and develops top-notch brand and business strategies. As publisher of the must-read Pink Reports™, TBC keeps a finger on the pulse of the industry and offer unparalleled views on the consumer beauty-buying experience. E-mail: [email protected];

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